Saturday, August 30, 2008


绝对好男人翩然而至时,必然会有一个不绝对好的男人,甚至是个绝对不好的男人,像魂一样附在绝对好男人身上。几乎可以说,任何一个男人的优点,都是以他的缺点作为代价--即一个男人的优点,基本上也就是他的缺点。当人们拥抱他们优点的时刻,不得不同时接受他们的缺点。   一个充满职业精神的男人,基本上也就是一个没有闲暇陪妻子逛街的男人。当年的陈景润就是一个以职业为快乐的人,只不过按照那时候的道德标准,没有时间陪伴妻子,甚至没有妻子,都归属于男人的优点。而现在,越是不平凡的妻子,就越是没有耐心去爱上一个不回家的男人。   一个自信、处事果断的男人,基本上也就是一个骄傲、刚愎自用的男人。这样的男人,就像他们从不优柔寡断、更不黏黏糊糊、该了就了、该断就断一样,他们永远相信自己就是正确的同义词,尤其是对于自己的妻子来说。   一个有相当社会名望的男人,基本上也就是一个把名望看得比妻子更重要的男人。如果一定要他在社会名望和妻子之间做出一次选择的话,他们不会选择妻子,但是这完全不妨碍他们需要有一个女人作为妻子的存在。   一个富有魅力并且性感的男人,基本上也就是一个对于所有女人来说都富有魅力并上性感的男人。不必天真地想象,一颗情种仅仅限于在一个小花盆里发芽。 一个不与任何美丽、可爱的女性有任何交往的男人,基本上也就是一个被任何美丽、可爱的女性所不屑一顾的男人。   一个在家省吃俭用的男人,基本上也就是一个在社会上很吝啬的男人。这样的男人没有任何爱好。   一个生活俭朴的男人,基本上也就是一个在任何场合都不修边幅的男人。而不修边幅也仅仅是为邋遢寻找理由罢了。   一个每天晚上都在家里陪着妻儿的男人,基本上也就是一个没有朋友的男人。这样的时候,男人得到的将不是女人的选择,而是女人的数落。男人的闲暇,只有当他们没有闲暇的时候,才显出珍贵。   一个不是艺术家、却天天发烧于艺术的男人,基本上也就是一个不脚踏实地、没有正业的男人。拍照片、听音乐、看电影、读文学作品、喝咖啡、唱歌、跳舞、绘画、抚琴,确定很浪漫,但是一旦在家庭里天天发生,那可不是一个女人幸福的开始。   绝对好男人的优点还有很多,当然,绝对好男人的缺点并不会像商场里“买一赠一”的商品一样明晃晃地绑在一起,所以我们通常看不到好男人与生俱来的缺点

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This Is So Nice!

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual...

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. 'Really?' she heard whispered. 'I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!' and, 'I didn't know others liked me so much,' were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in

Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin...

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. 'Were you Mark's math teacher?' he asked. ! She nodded: 'yes.' Then he said: 'Mark talked about you a lot.'

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

'We want to show you something,' his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket 'They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.'

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

'Thank you so much for doing that,' Mark's mother said. 'As you can see, Mark treasured it.'

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, 'I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home.'

Chuck's wife said, 'Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.'

'I have mine too,' Marilyn said. 'It's in my diary'

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. 'I carry this with me at all times,' Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: 'I think we all saved our lists'

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.

And One Way To Accomplish This Is: Forward this message on. If you do not send it, you will have, once again passed up the wonderful opportunity to do something nice and beautiful. But it's up to U to fwd this one...!

If you've received this, it is because someone cares for you and it means there is probably at least someone for whom you! Care.

If you're 'too busy' to take those few minutes right now to forward this message on, would this be the VERY first time you didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in your relationships?

The more people that you send this to, the better you'll be at reaching out to those you care about.

Remember, you reap what you sow. what you put into the lives of others comes back into your own.

May Your Day Be Blessed As Special As You

Friday, August 1, 2008

Blink 182-Adam's Song

I never thought

I'd die alone

I laughed the loudest,

who'd have known ?

I traced the cord back to the wall

No wonder it was never plugged in at all

I took my time,

I hurried upThe choice was mine,

I didn't think enough

I'm too depressed to go on

You'll be sorry when I'm gone

I never conquered, rarely came

16 just held such better days

Days when I still felt alive

We couldn't wait to get outside

The world was wide, too late to try

The tour was over, we'd survived

I couldn't wait 'til I got home

To pass the time in my room alone

I never thought

I'd die aloneAnother six months,

I'll be unknown

Give all my things to all my friends

You'll never step foot in my room again

You'll close it off, board it up

Remember the time that I spilled the cup

Of apple juice in the hall

Please tell mom this is not her fault

I never conquered, rarely came

16 just held such better days

Days when I still felt alive

We couldn't wait to get outside

The world was wide, too late to try

The tour was over, we'd survived

I couldn't wait 'til I got home

To pass the time in my room alone

To me, from all the bands that i've listen to, Blink 182 is among the best. The band started around 1992, with originally comprised of vocalist and guitarist Tom DeLonge, drummer Scott Raynor and vocalist and bassist Mark Hoppus. They began as a pop band and was well known for their simple and catchy melodies with meaningful lyrics.
In their song, Adam's Song, performed by Mark Hoppus, which is Blink 182's bassist, The song's lyrics deal with depression and suicide, which is a noticeable departure from the toilet humor present in most of the other songs on Enema of the State. It is comparable to their later song "Stay Together for the Kids", which deals with 'broken home' and family issues, from Blink-182's fourth studio album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket.
According rumors, Blink 182 wrote Adam's Song when the band is about to breakup. DeLonge claimed that ' Blink is Dead ' and quit the band on February 22, 2005 with their tour cancelled.
However, some claimed that this song is about teenage suicide. Working on a few teenage advice websites, I can see how these words would ring true through teenage depression. It gives people to latch onto and its really sad.
Well to me,
I've been listening to this song a lot lately and I decided to try and work out the meaning;I never thought I'd die alone[He's realising that nobody really cared for him, or at least thinks it]
I laughed the loudest who'd have known?[Not sure about this line, it might be about him laughing at either himself, or rejection by his peers.]
I traced the cord back to the wallNo wonder it was never plugged in at all[Despite having methods of contact available, there was no way people would use them to get to him]
I took my time, I hurried upThe choice was mine I didn't think enough[Related to Nirvana's 'Come as You Are'. Not so sure about this line.]
I'm too depressed to go onYou'll be sorry when I'm gone[People neglecting him so much makes him just want to die, and all the people will regret the neglecting, because he will have killed himself because of them.]
I never conquered, rarely came[Vulgar as it is, I think it might mean came as in cum, as the person it was written about described himself as a nerd and a geek.]
16 just held such better daysDays when I still felt alive[As things go, when we get older, it feels less and less like life when people treat you like shit.]
We couldn't wait to get outsideThe world was wide, too late to tryThe tour was over, We'd survivedI couldnt wait til I got homeTo pass the time in my room alone[The excitement of growing up, but then in the end, he just wants to be alone in his room, away from the world who ignores him.]
I never thought I'd die aloneAnother six months I'll be unknown[Saying how when he's killed himself and he initial disaster has passed, nobody will remember him.]
Give all my things to my friendsYou'll never set foot in my room againYou'll close it off, board it up[Talking to his parents about giving away all his things. Not much more analysis I can make here.]
Remember the time I spilled the cupOf apple juice in the hallPlease tell mom this is not her fault[The only thing I can think of here, is that it's not his mum's fault that he's going to kill himself.]
I never conquered, rarely came16 just held such better days Days when I still felt alive We couldn't wait to get outside The world was wide, too late to try The tour was over, We'd survived I couldnt wait til I got home To pass the time in my room alone [Same chorus as last time.]
I never conquered, rarely came Tomorrow just holds such better days[This line makes me think that he's saying the days after his death will be the better ones for him, because he won't have all of the world that he hates there.]
Days when I can still feel alive When I cant wait to get outside[After he's gone, he won't have the world to make him even more dead (not literally speaking, as he's going to kill himself, but while he's still got a bit of his feeling alive left, he's going to end his life) so he's going to 'get outside' of existence and life.]
The world is wide, the time goes by [Saying that time just goes on, in his hell.]
The tour is over, I survived I can't wait 'til I get home To pass the time in my room alone[Although the real person killed himself in the family garage, passing the time in his room alone could refer to him killing himself, or just staying in his room away from everyone.]
Again, this is just my take on it. Welcome everyone to post their own comments, opinions and discussions. TQ for going through it.

To Those Who treasure love

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return,but what is the most painful is to love someone and neverfinding the courage to let the person know how you feel.” 愛上一個不愛自己的人是痛苦的.但最痛苦的,莫過於你所愛的那個人並不知道你愛他,而你也沒有勇氣讓他知道. ”It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.” 對一個人有感覺需要一分鐘,喜歡一個人需要一小時,愛上一個人需要一天;但是,忘記一個人卻要用上一輩子. ”Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we should know how to be grateful for that gift.” 上帝讓我們在情路上遇到幾個錯誤的人,然後才遇到真命天子,也許是要我們感激衪的恩典. ”There are things you love to hear but you would never hear it from the person whom you would like to hear it from, but don’t be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with his heart.” 有些說話我們很想聽到,但這些說話卻永遠不會出自我們期望的人口中.然而,對於由衷地說出這些說話的人,我們不能裝作聽不見. ”Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.” 愛情是:當感覺、熱情和浪漫統統拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜對方. ”A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go.” 人生的悲哀是你遇上了一個對你很重要的人,他是你的一切.然而,你卻沒有辦法留住他. ”When one door of happiness closes, another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.” 當一道快樂之門關上了,另一道門會隨之打開.但是,我們常常眷戀著那道關上了的門,而看不見另一道門已經打開了. ”The best kind a friend is the one you could sit on a porch, swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you’ve had.” 世上最好的朋友是可以默默地陪著你,甚麼也不用說.然而,當他 離開時,你卻會懷念和他一起的時光. ”It’s true that we don’t know that what we’ve got until we lose it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives.” 我們往往在失去時才明白自己擁有的東西曾經多麼美好;然而,同樣的真理是:當我們能夠擁有一樣東西時,我們才明白從前失去一些甚麼. ”Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they’ll love you back! Don’t expect love in return. Just wait for it to grow in their hearts, but if it donesn’t, be content it grew in yours.” 當你對一個人付出全部的愛,並不能保證他會同樣愛你.不要期望回報,你只能等待愛意在心?滋長.即使事與願違,你到底也是真心愛過. ”Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can take it, never say you don’t love that person anymore when you can’t let go.” 當你仍想繼續,永遠不要說再見.當你仍然能夠接受,永遠不要說放棄.當你捨不得他,永遠不要說你不再愛他. ”Love comes to those who still hope even though they’ve been disppointed, to those who still believe even though they’ve been betrayed, need to love those who still love even though they’ve been hurt before.” 愛情是屬於那些曾經失意但仍然充滿希望的人,是屬於那些曾經被出賣但仍然充滿信心的人,是屬於那些曾經被對方傷害卻仍然深愛對方的人. ”Don’t go for looks it can deceive; don’t go for wealth, even that fades away, go for someone who makes you smile coz only a smile makes a dak day seem bright. Hope you find that person.” 不要追求偽善的面的面孔,不要追求榮華富貴,這些東西總有逍逝的一天.追求一個能令你微笑的人吧.一個笑靨能驅走陰霾,帶來陽光.希望你能找到這個人. ”There are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. Hope you dream of that someone. 人總有思念別人的時候,你渴望他在你夢境?出現,與你實實在在的擁抱!希望你能夢見這個人. ”Dream what you want to dreams, go where you want to go, be what you want to be coz you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want in life.” 夢想你的夢想;到你想到的地方;做你想做的自己吧!因為你只能活一次. ”May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy and enough money to buy me gifts.” 祝福你有足以令自己甜蜜的喜悅,足以令自己堅強的考驗,足以令自己 活得實在的苦澀,足以令自己快樂的企盼及足夠你送我禮物的金錢. ”Always put yourself in others shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably does hurt the person, too.” 要常常設身處地為別人著想.當你覺得這樣會使自己受到傷害,對方可能早已經受傷了. ”A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life, a timely word may level stress, a loving word may heal and bless.” 一句無心之失可以觸發爭端,一句狠心話可以摧毀一生;一句適當的說話可以減輕壓力,一句情話可以替人療傷,撫慰心靈. ”The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them with our own image, otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” 愛情是讓你所愛的那個人可以做回自己,而不是成為你心中的理想形象.否則,你愛的只是從對方身上反映出來的自己. ”The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.” 世上最快樂的人未必擁有最好的東西,他們只是隨心所欲,使身邊的一切跟隨自己的意願. ”Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have toughed their lives.” 快樂是屬於那些曾經哭泣、受傷、曾經努力尋找、努力嘗試的人.因為他們懂得感激那些能夠感動他們的人. ”Love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear.” 愛情因一個微笑而發生,因一吻而滋長,最後因一滴眼淚而終結. ”The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.” 人若沒法忘記對過去的失敗和痛苦,便不能活得精采.一個美好的未來永遠在於你能否忘記過去. ”When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling, live your life so that when you die, you’re smiling and everyone around you is crying.” 當你出生時,你哭著,身邊的人


不要轻易说爱…但当一说了爱以后就要好好把握… 因为一份真正的爱… 是一种责任… 一种让人有欢乐,有悲哀,有愤怒的责任… 有时他人会安慰自己说:”我其实不是喜欢她,我只是要玩玩而已” 这个他,就把对方看成了像玩具来看待,把爱情当成没有一回事… 不过,他有没有想过假如他心爱的人对他这么做,他反而会像以前这样开心吗?甩走人家,真得那么开心吗?其实在爱情里头,把自己真正的感情确认一下是非常重要的…因为这是一种的尊重…因为不可能你,想要他被你一起玩游戏吧?结果,你本身,就对不起了他… 伤了他的感情… 而且你还是那个样子…继续玩你的那一场游戏… 为什么你们要这样做呢? 男人也是有感情的,我们的心,从外表看起来虽然是坚强,可是,里面反而比玻璃还要崔… 随时都会爆裂… 男人真的没有哭过吗?其实是你们看不到他的那一滴的眼泪… 为什么男人都那么的花心?为什么他们要这么做?是因为他们所经过的一切,所面对的太多了,而造成他们麻木了…忘记了爱的真正的意义… 其实男生们并不坏,只是他们的环境导致了它们变成这样…说感受过的,不敢面对,就开始乱想… 结果他们就变坏了… 反而,对于某些朋友说,有时,女生们比男生更花心。各位,请你们记得,爱情里最重要的是要互相保护,互相信任才会又开始的一段真正的感情…不要把爱情当成了一个游戏… 一時太心急,沒看左右便忙著過馬路... 突然一輛車朝我衝來...我還來不急反應... 就被人推倒...等我反應過來回頭一看...我... 我...只見天空藍已躺在血泊中了...... 我忙著聯絡天空藍的朋友與家人, 還要急著打電話安撫又在哭鬧的普魯士藍.. 正當我翻著天空藍的背包想找她記事本上的通訊錄時, 我發現了一片劉若英-很愛很愛你的CD, 上面貼著一封署名給我的信...... 其實我早就知道有她的存在了...... 而當你在電話中說要找我談一談時,我已看到了結果...... 不能怪你,是我自己給你太多自由的...... 我捨不得你......但是我願意讓你自己選擇你要的幸福...... 因為我真的...非常在乎你.... 祝你幸福...... 我緊緊握住手上的信...... 我突然了解到了什麼是幸福...... 只是......只是...... 我希望還來的及……… 玫瑰,如果不再盛放, 不是因為風水不好, 而是缺少了細心灌溉的人, 缺少窗邊微笑看花的人..... 人生就是為了找尋愛的過程,第一個是自己, 第二個是你最愛的人, 第三個是最愛你的人, 第四個是共度一生的人。   首先會遇到你最愛的人,然後體會到愛的感覺;因為了解被愛的感覺,所以才能發現最愛你的人;當你經歷過愛人與被愛,學會了愛,才會知道什麼是你需要的,也才會找到最適合你,能夠相處一輩子的人。但很悲哀的,在現實生活中,這三個人通常不是同一個人;你最愛的,往往沒有選擇你;最愛你的,往往不是你最愛的;而最長久的,偏偏不是你最愛也不是最愛你的,只是在最適合的時間出現的那個人。你,會是別人生命中的第幾個人呢? 沒有人是故意要變心的,他愛你的時候是真的愛你,可是他不愛你的時候也是真的不愛你了,他愛你的時候沒有辦法假裝不愛你;同樣的,他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你 。當一個人不愛你要離開你,你要問自己還愛不愛他,如果你也不愛他了,千萬別為了可憐的自尊而不肯離開;如果你還愛他,你應該會希望他過得幸福快樂,希望他跟真正愛的人在一起,絕不會阻止,你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已經不愛他了,而如果你不愛他,你又有什麼資格指責他變心呢? 愛不是佔有,你喜歡月亮,不可能把月亮拿下來放在臉盆裡,但月亮的光芒仍可照進你的房間。換句話說,你愛一個人,也可以用另一種方式擁有,讓愛人成為生命裡的永恆回憶,如果你真愛一個人,就要愛他原來的樣子─愛他的好,也愛他的壞:愛他的優點,也愛他的缺點,絕不能因為愛他,就希望他變成自己所希望的樣子,萬一變不成就不愛他了。 真正愛一個人是無法說出原因的,你只知道無論何時何地、心情好壞,你都希望這個人陪著你;真正的感情是兩人能在最艱苦中相守,也就是沒有絲毫要求。畢竟,感情必須付出,而不是只想獲得;分開是一種必然的考驗,如果你們感情不夠穩固,只好認輸,真愛是不會變成怨恨的。 兩人在談情說愛的時候,最喜歡叫對方發誓,許下承諾我們為什麼要對方發誓,就是因為我們不相信對方,我們根本不相信情人,而這些山盟海誓又很不切實際:海枯石爛、地老天荒,都不能改變我對你的愛! 明知道海不會枯、石不會爛、地不會老、天不會荒;就算會,也活不到那時候。許下諾言的時候千萬注意,不要許下可以實現的諾言,最好是承諾做不到的事,反正做不到的,隨便說說也不要緊,請記住:”不可能實現的諾言最動人” 在愛情裡,說的是一套,做的是另一套;講的人不相信,聽的人也不相信。  你呢?找到了第幾個?茫茫人海中,你遇見了誰?誰又遇見了你?